
Church School

Adult Church School is offered before worship at 9:30 a.m., both in person and over Zoom.  Join us for fellowship and thought-provoking discussions pertaining to real-world issues we face in society today. 

Hispanic Fellowship

Our Hispanic members have a Spanish speaking worship service Sundays at 11:00 a.m. Once a month, when communion is served, the group joins the rest of the congregation in the sanctuary.

Small Group Ministry

At College Hill, we don’t “go” to church; we “are” the Church.  Part of being the Church is living in community with each other.  Loving, supporting, and caring for each other is an essential part of a healthy congregation.  To encourage relationships among ourselves, we offer many small groups that allow individuals to plug in where their interests and passions lie.  In addition to Church School, a Ministry Team, an Outreach Project, or Chancel Choir, you may also be interested in the following – call or email the church for more information or to get involved!

Book Study

The Book Study Group typically meets on a selected evening each month.  Next up, our Book Study Group, will read and discuss Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood’s new book, Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism. Brian Kaylor will be giving a lecture “Facing Christian Nationalism” at College Hill on Saturday, September 21, 2024, as part of the Harold E. Hill Lecture Series.

Celtic Circle

The Celtic Spirituality group gathers in the homes of our members quarterly to celebrate Celtic heritage and spirituality.  We embrace the concept that all of Creation is inherently good and explore various aspects of our spirituality through music, poetry, history, and food.  During our times together we often discuss how this ties us to the past, is relevant in our modern lives, and gives us continuity into the future.  All are welcome.  The only requirements for participation are an open heart and mind.

Let’s Just Do It!

Our newest small group came together at the end of 2023 under the leadership of Rev. Gordon Edwards, encouraging each other to put our faith into practice and be engaged in issues of concern in our communities (to “walk the walk” as they say). Look for announcements about upcoming action for this group.

Green Team

The Green Team has responsibility for seeing to it that College Hill lives up to commitment as an “Earth Care Congregation” with the PCUSA. Lately, the team’s main focus has been maintaining and expanding the Pollinator Garden on the west side of our parking lot.

Afghan Family Tutors

We have a group of around twenty tutors and back-up tutors supporting two Afghan families. Beyond the weekly English tutoring sessions with adults and children, the group often offers Afghan bread and Bolani (prepared by one of our families) for sale in Fellowship Hall to help supplement the household’s income.

Day Center for the Homeless Meals

For decades, College Hill has been providing hot meals to persons using the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, and this faithful group continues to do so on a Saturday evening every other month.